Thursday, August 21, 2008

School has begun

Today marked the first day of school here in Monticello. Hurray! Hurray to all of you parents out there that have kept your children active over the summer. Hurray to all the teachers who are about to start educating our children.

Teacher's we would like to let you know about a website called The websites mission simply is to promote games in education, to help enrich the learning process for both teachers and students. It may be a great resource for you to use this school year. Bee Active Toys believes strongly in the use of games to teach. I myself have used the game Block by Block by Thinkfun in the classroom to help teach students 2 dimensional drafting techniques and to enable them to see what a 3 dimensional object would look like in a 2-D world. A lot of other games can help teach concepts, problem solving, and teamwork. What's even more interesting is that game play also fully engages the child's mind. We would be more than happy to assist you in finding the right game to meet your needs.

We at Bee Active Toys would like to wish everyone a terrific new school year. Study hard, Learn a lot and of course learn to play and play to learn!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Brad,
How nice to read that you use our game Brick by Brick for teaching!! I am the Director of Education Programs for ThinkFun and I'd love to connect with you further about our games! Please read about our educational initiative at We are looking to connect with educators who use our games.
We're currently designing programs that use our games to engage children to learn intentional thinking strategies.
Thank you for your support and please contact me at

Tanya Thompson
Director of Education Programs
ThinkFun, Inc.