My definition of a “Hot Toy” is three fold; a “hot” toy is actively played with and not just passively watched perform, a “hot” toy will be played with over and over again and not just for a few minutes after it is taken out of the box, and a “hot” toy will encourage a child to want to keep playing more and learn something while playing.
We as parents have all done it. We bought that “hot” heavily advertised licensed toy because our kids saw it advertised on TV 1051 times and have been screaming for it since October only to have our children open the box, play with it for a few minutes and then toss it aside and not play with it anymore. It happens. Next week, I’ll give a few tips and pointers on how to help minimize this happening with your kids, but for now I’ll just introduce you to the list.
1. Hot Building and Construction Toy. Meet my friend Z.A.C the Zoob Alien Creature. Z.A.C. is a Zoobling from a different planet and when fully assembled stands 2 feet tall and has glow in the dark pieces and Flashing, Blinking Eyes. How COOL is that!
2. Hot Preschool Game. Chimp And Zee Dinosaur Whirl. Chimp and Zee are awesome games that even us adults will enjoy playing with the little ones because they are gee wally williker fun! Move your caveman around the game board collecting eggs but watch out for that crazy dinosaur!

3. Hot new family memory game. Thinkfun’s Cartoon It! Do you like cartoons? Ever draw one? Hey mom and dad is your memory not what it used to be? With Cartoon it, you look at funny cartoon character cards and then try to draw your character from memory. Hysterical drawings done by all members of the family are sure to follow.
4. Hot new party game. Trigger is a fast card game that everyone will love and is so easy to play all you have to do is answer True or False and then hit the Trigger! Everyone we have played this with has walked away laughing.
5. Hot arts and craft Toy. Orb Factory has rocked the girls world again with Girls Rock! Blinglets. Girls can get their “Bling” on with these sparkling bangles that are easy to create. Girls can create 8 Bangles with over 400 “jewels” that come in this kit.

6. Hot Science Toys. Windpower 2.0. You know it’s a “hot” toy when even your 14 year old son, says, “that’s cool”. Build a 3 ft. tall working windmill that actually generates electricity with this awesome new science kit from Thames & Kosmos.

7. Hot Retro Toys. I love the classics and this year I found a throwback to the 1960’s and 70’s with the Weirdo’s Action Skateboarding Figures. Yes, the Weirdo’s from 1960’s model fame are back with their own totally awesome action figures and collector cards, plus a trick skateboard.
8. Hot Toys for Daddy. Remote Control machines by Thames and Kosmos and the ATR, All Terrain Transforming Robot by Elenco Electronics. As a dad, I like toys a lot too and there is no doubt that Robots are Really Really Cool! I’ll triple Dog Dare all you other Dads to put one of these bad boys together with your kids and then have a blast playing with them. Come on, you know you want to!
I can’t wait until Christmas Morning!
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